Two Headed PuppyTwo Headed PuppyTwo Headed Puppy
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Poem : Coming Back

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Coming Back

Words :

It's been some time since I've visited this place
not much has changed
I mean the buildings are still here

The people are different
they seem nicer
and even more beautiful
They have as it appears
refreshed this place

some old faces
return my looks ( glances ) and smile
courtesy, or they really know me
anyway , it's pleasant to see people smiling

Some years ago
I set off to conquer the world
from this place
the only one I knew
with my dreams fulfilled
I came back once more
opened the door
saw it's even better than before
It was no wish of mine
to alter this sight divine
I'm glad I came
(but) time was running out ...
so ...
I knew I was ready to go

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