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Song : Exact Directions

Buy digital download on: iTunes | Amazon MP3 | CD Baby | Buy CD here

This is an account of what I go through to visit my girl that lives in another part of town. Driving anywhere in Los Angeles can be very tedious due to overwhelming traffic..... by the way ... these directions are real and based on actual events ... Watch out for this song. It's very catchy.

Lyrics :

I get in my car, take my favorite pose
Reclining in the seat, picking my nose
put on my shades with windows rolled down,
I’m gonna see my girl in a different part of town

As I maneuver the road, different drivers I see
Eating, drinking, gawking at me
Some jolt their heads to the beating of the drum
I just pick my nose to my own groove I hum

I get cut off six times, flip off some fool
Cross the double-double, violate the carpool
.. and so I don’t forget , hope you have no objections
I’ll present to you the exact directions

North on 5, West on 10
Exit on Venice steady (careful) and then
La Cienega North, East on 3rd
The way I go just to see my girl

I’m Cruising & thinking traffic is light
And just for thinking that then I’m cursed with the sight of
Bumper to bumper for miles in front
I’m pissed and red and I have to pull a stunt

Speeding, swerving escaping the freeway
I dodge an 18wheeler, sucker won’t give leeway
Couch on the off ramp, lanes are blocked
I make a left right .. my brakes get locked

Run a red light, drive through the crowd
I manage to pull out .. now I’m safe and sound
.. I am almost there ..refresh your recollections
Here again are the exact directions

North on 5, West on 10
Exit on Venice steady (careful) and then
La Cienega North, East on 3rd
The way I go just to see my girl

And when I arrive I give her a squeeze
It gets all touchy feely and ... she says please to love and kisses
I’m her treasure
I know the trip paid off .... now it’s time for pleasure

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